get involved
contact us!
If you would like to join our working group, please email to be directed to subcommittee chairs or to correspond directly with our chair. We would love to tell you more about what it takes to get involved!
If you want to be added to our email distribution list, please add your information to the form below.
monthly meeting
We meet on the 3rd Saturday of the Month
Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 16.
See you there!
12:00 pm (noon) EDT, 9:00 am PT, 11:00 am CT, 5:00 pm UK, 6:00 pm Central Europe
Spanish interpretation is available.
Learn more about our committess and navigate to their pages to get involved!
Videos Subcommittee - support the creation of GLM Videos
Outreach Subcommittee - participate in outreach to groups, districts, or members
Magazines Subcommittee - connect with and find wordwide magazines
Website Subcommittee - support functions of and upkeep of the GLM Website